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Ferris Independent School District

Accountability Ratings

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) provides annual academic accountability ratings for our district and schools. The ratings are based mostly on how well our students do on state standardized tests like STAAR, but also include College, Career and Military Readiness, as well as graduation rates.

The 2019 Accountability rating labels are based on performance in three different areas or domains:

Student Achievement Domain

Evaluates performance across all subjects for all students, on both general and alternate assessments, College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) indicators, and graduation rates.

School Progress
Measures district and campus outcomes in two areas: the number of students that grew at least one year academically (or are on track) as measured by STAAR results and the achievement of all students relative to districts or campuses with similar economically disadvantaged percentages.
Closing the Gaps

Uses disaggregated data in four components to demonstrate differentials among racial/ethnic groups, socioeconomic backgrounds and other factors. The indicators included in this domain, as well as the domain’s construction, align the state accountability system with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).


The district and each school are assigned a letter grade for overall performance and for performance in each domain.

  • A = Exemplary Performance
  • B = Recognized Performance
  • C = Acceptable Performance
  • D = In Need of Improvement
  • F = Unacceptable Performance

In addition to the ratings, campuses that have a grade of A, B, C or D are eligible for Distinction Designations.

District Overall Rating: B (88 out of 100)

2021-22 District Accountability Rating