Gifted & Talented
Our Program:
GT students meet with the GT Specialist one day a week. All homeroom teachers of gifted students are trained and certified to provide differentiated instruction in all core subjects. GT students have the opportunity to individually explore topics that interest them with the use of PBL, STEAM projects, coding, and individual research investigations.
Definition of a Gifted/Talented Student:
The State of Texas and Ferris ISD define a "gifted and talented student" as:
"A child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who exhibits high-performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area, possesses an unusual capacity for leadership or excels in a specific academic field."Texas Education Code 29.121; Ferris ISD Board Policy EHBB (Legal)
Ferris Independent School District is committed to providing the best possible educational experience for each child. The district recognizes that gifted and talented students are found in all cultures, socioeconomic groups, and environments. Ferris ISD further recognizes that gifted and talented students require an enriched curriculum that reinforces and extends the regular academic program.
Ferris ISD elementary GT services will serve the needs of those students who demonstrate above-average achievement or potential in general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitute, and creative/artistic/productive thinking as identifited through multiple, specific criteria.
Gifted and talented students do not ordinarily excel to their potential without educational support. These students need the experience of working with and relating to both their chronological age group and their intellectual peer group. They need continued challenges and stimulation, association with others of similar ability, and a differentiated educational program designed to foster motivation, personal adjustment, achievement, and success.