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Ferris Independent School District

Our Mission

It is the policy of the Ferris ISD Police Department to manage its employees and resources in a manner that maximizes operational efficiency and service to our district citizens within the constraints set forth by federal and state laws and municipal ordinances.

This philosophy is set forth in the Ferris ISD Police Department's Mission Statement:

Mission Statement
The Officers at the Ferris ISD Police Department are committed to creating a safe educational environment for our future and providing a diverse level of service, utilizing decisive, consistent, and legally founded problem solving techniques to ensure confident partnerships for all stakeholders.

Value Statement
In addition to service and valor, the members of the Ferris ISD Police Department are committed to a set of values that guide the work of the organization and thus, help contribute to the quality of life for all citizens of our district community.

These include:


Each member of the organization is responsible for establishing the direction of the Department and mirroring our vision at every level of the organization. We must show the way in our community by going first and guiding those who follow under our care. Create a trustworthy environment where people can develop beyond traditional expectations.


Without this form of trust, we cannot expect to form a partnership with the district community. We will remain honest in every situation, admit mistakes and take corrective actions. Behave dependable, fair and consistent for those in whom we swore an oath to protect and serve.


Teamwork is essential in the operation of our district, and therefore to our department at all times. Employees must take initiative to work in partnership with one another and the district community in order to attain our collective goals. We will recognize - the police are people and the people are the police. Be transparent as an agency and encourage collaborative efforts with our public in planning, decision-making, and action.

The adherence to and belief in these values and the promotion of professional law enforcement will distinguish the Ferris ISD Police Department as a truly exceptional police organization.