Multi-Tiered System of Support
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is an instructional framework and educational process that includes universal screening of all students, multiple tiers of instruction and support services and an integrated data collection and assessment system to inform decisions at each tier of instruction. This framework is used to enhance all FISD student’s academic, social and behavioral needs.
- Tier I – Teachers use various teaching strategies within the core curriculum to address all students’ educational needs.
- Tier II – Based on progress data, students who are not showing growth with just Tier 1 instruction receive supplemental researched based interventions to meet their individual needs. The campus RtI team will work with the students’ teacher to develop an instruction plan, track the student’s progress and provide ongoing progress data to parents.
- Tier III – Students who continue to struggle in Tier II will receive increased academic support at this level. Tier III offers intensive intervention, additional time of instruction and review for possible further evaluation or data collection.